Friday, September 30, 2016

Flashback Friday

Today's flashback is from July 2008 when Minchie first came to live with us.


Here is a picture of Minchie and I resting on the cool bathroom floor after our first play "date". The three of us were playing "mousies falling from the bedroom ceiling" on the bed when all of a sudden Minchie and I decided to start practising the thundering herd of elephants. We did very well. Mom was standing there in utter disbelief laughing, SQUEEING, and had tears in her eyes and goosebumps she was so excited we were playing together. What really blew her mind (what little she has left...teeheehee!) was when we laid this close to each other after. This seems to be the beginning of the turning point for us! We have never seen a cat run as fast as Minchie can!!! He could definitely be in the Cat Olympics! Mom said she also did not know I could run as fast as I did. We feel sorry for the man who lives in the condo below us. Maybe mom should go down and explain to him that at times his ceiling is not in endanger of falling down.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mancat Monday

Mom turned off the air conditioner this morning...finally!  Loving those cool window whiffies!  Thanks Mom!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Flashback Friday

Today's flashback is from July 2008, Minchie's third day with us


WOW! First thing mom does when she gets up is give us our breakfast treats. Not bad! Think I'm really gonna like living here!

Laila had already scarfed down her treats and was such a big help taking care of the ones I dropped on the floor.

Mom here. It went well last evening. Some hissing/growling mostly on Laila's part, but she's just telling him like it is and she's the alpha kitty here. Once in a while Minchie talks back to her. Decided to leave the bedroom door open and it went very well. Didn't hear any horrible cat fights going on. A few times woke up and Minchie was conked out on the bed with me. Laila generally doesn't come up until around 5:00 am so when she did there was a little hissing then, but it went well considering they've only been around each other less than 48 hours. I'm so happy Minchie is here and he's such a love. It won't be long before the two of them will be bonded forever. Last night I was in the recliner watching tv and he was on my lap. It was hysterical! He was sort of laying on his back with his legs up in the air and looked just like petrified road kill! I couldn't stop laughing! Where's a camera when you need one? I'll be sure it's next to me in the future when I sit there.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thankful Thursday

 Look what we won from Phoebe of 15andmeowing piorate giveaway!

Cutest little crocheted pumpkin ever!

Minchie is claiming them as his.  Sorry, Laila!

We didn't get the pirate costume in time for Meow Like a Pirate Day, but Halloween is coming up!

Thanks Phoebe!!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Meow Like a Pirate Day



Ahoy, me Hearties! Avast ye and batten down the hatches! We're gonna weigh anchor, hoist the mizzen and get three sheets to the wind! Yo ho ho and a bottle of nip! 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Caturday Matinee

We haven't shown a video in quite awhile so here is one with Mom trying to get Laila to play with her peacock feather.  These use to be her favorite toy but as she's gotten older she's gotten very lazy!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuxie Tummy Tuesday

The main reason we don't post every day anymore is that we have no pictures.  The photo ops just aren't there like they use to be as we are getting older.  But this morning I was sitting next to Mom at the computer and she said "Laila, show me your tummy so I can put it on the blog today."  She was very surprised when I did it!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Mancat Monday

Mom found this three year old picture of me that had never been posted before.  Ah, yes, back in my youthful days.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Flashback Friday

Today's flashback is from July 7, 2008

Minchie's First Mancat Monday 

I really luvs my new furever home! It's like a kitty amusement park. Got to sleep with mommie last night and she really appreciated the back massages I was giving her throughout the night. For some reason she's going to be drinking a lot of coffee today. I even jumped the double gates in the doorway with no trouble at all.

Laila and I are starting to get a little closer. I really think she and I are going to end up good buddies in time.

Closer still. Laila is laying where the litter boxes usually are. Mom has them strategically placed for now.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Back To Normal

Mom is finished dog sitting for our cousin, Lady, and will be joining us in our bed tonight.  Can't wait!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Photo Hunt - Fruit

Today's theme is FRUIT. 

Minchie loves to start out each new day with something from the fruit category.